Package-level declarations
A Button Widget that can supply its message and active state, and render a custom background
An AbstractTextWidget that can process click and hover actions on rendered text
A widget that will open a fzzy config screen directly on press.
A Widget for displaying a list of Entry that supports dynamic operations and entry features.
A widget that wraps another widget with a display label. The label will appear under the widget aligned left
Clickable widget that contains a LayoutWidget which provides and lays out children of this widget. The layout will be automatically constrained to the dimensions of the widget, and updated as the position and size changes.
A powerful widget used to heuristically layout out multiple element widgets in a manner akin to web DOM layout. Widgets stored in a layout can be automatically repositioned, scaled, queried, and categorized. NOTE: LayoutWidget is not a ParentElement, it is expected that you extract the elements from the layout and add them as children to a parent that contains this layout. The layout is only for positioning.
A button widget that masquerades as a text field widget. The text within is not editable.
A widget comprised of a collection of child elements that "Pops up" onto screens that implement me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.PopupParentElement
A ValidationBackedTextFieldWidget that provides suggestions for string completion to the user
An AbstractTextWidget that renders text from a supplier of text, not a static text instance
A button widget that is 20x20 pixels and displays a sprite instead of a textual message
Defines standard widget sprites used throughout Fzzy Config. May be useful for custom widgets, popups, etc.
Defines standard widget sprites used throughout Fzzy Config. May be useful for custom widgets, popups, etc.
A set of textures used for enabled, disabled, and focused contexts of an element. All three textures can be the same, in which case the texture rendered is of course the same no matter the state of the underlying object.
A TooltipChild is a child of some parent element that may or may not need to present tooltip and narration information to its parent. This system is used to compile tooltips and narrations from pieces rather than having to manually build the final tooltip in the parent, or having whichever elements tooltip that renders last "winning".
A TextFieldWidget for entering number values, backed by validation of some sort.
A TextFieldWidget backed by string validation that can consume and apply strings from/to an outside source
A vertically oriented SliderWidget, works as one would expect a sldier widget to work, but doesn't render the slider value that needs to be done separately via the valueApplier